
Mytilene 16.05.2024

Unemployment in Greece falls to 10% for the first time after 2009: A critical assessment of unemployment trends


With this report we attempt to assess the evolution of unemployment in Greece, on the occasion of the publication of the latest survey by the Hellenic Statistical. Therein, several positive aspects were highlighted for the Greek labour market; however, many of those need further investigation.

This report begins by summarising the results of the ELSTAT survey and examining in greater detail the employment and unemployment rates in the country from 2008 (the year the economic crisis began) until today. In this way, we place employment trends within a broader context, which allowed an objective assessment of the results of the ELSTAT survey. Finally, some key policy remarks are raised addressing the diachronic problems of unemployment and ‘underutilization’ of the Greek workforce.

Read the full report in English and Greek here.

Mytilene 31.10.2023

The impact of storm Daniel and storm Elias on Thessaly’s (Greece) labour market. An employment change forecast

Chart 1: Total Employment trends in the Region of Thessaly, 2008-2022.

This report forecasts the impact of the recent disastrous floods – Storm Daniel and Storm Elias, September 2023 – on the labour market in the Thessaly region. The focus is on the potential negative changes in employment, in particular the total number of jobs lost in the primary (agriculture and livestock) and secondary (manufacturing) sectors. The analysis is based on data from the ELSTAT Labour Force Survey for the period 2008-2022 and estimates losses over a three-year period (2023-2025).Read the full report here.

Mytilene 19.12.2022

E-Reslab publishes vFCA, a composite index of work precariousness across the regions of the European Union

The research team of the E- Reslab Aegean project of the Research Laboratory for Labour Geography of the University of the Aegean, for the first time presented on December 6, the innovative index for measuring precariousness at work (vFCA) at a pan-European level. 

More specifically, this composite index integrated data from 205 regions of the European Union, which give a vivid picture of precarious employment in these regions in two different periods. The first period is defined by the global economic crisis (2008-2014) and the changes brought about in the European Union regional labour markets by the austerity measures to contain it, and the second one is just before the outbreak of the pandemic and its first few months (2018-2020).  

The index incorporates data relating to four different aspects of job insecurity, namely working time, flexibility of labour relations, involuntary temporary work and legislation on worker protection.   

Through the vFCA, the media, researchers around the world, international organizations and policy makers can draw useful conclusions about the situation in the regional labour markets of the European Union with regard to precariousness. This is presented in a particularly easy-to-understand and interesting way on the project’s website (at via two interactive maps (depending on the period under consideration). Interested parties can also read more about the research and scientific work on which the composite index is based.

The [e-Aegean] ResLab Observatory to feature in article published
in the Youth Employment Magazine


Map 1: Annual change of NEETs, 2019-2020

In the article under the title ‘A Crisis within a Crisis: The Footprint of COVID-19 on Youth Employment in Mediterraean EU’ published in the 17th issue of the Youth Employment Magazine, the magazine of the Fund for Youth Employment of the EEA and Norway Grants, Dr Kostas Gourzis made an extended reference to the [e-Aegean] ResLab Observatory. Read the full article here:

From periphery to centre stage:
The [e-Aegean ResLab Observatory] and visualised information in labour geography


The [e-Aegean] ResLab Observatory featured at the 17th issue of the Youth Employment Magazine, the magazine of the Fund for Youth Employment of the EEA and Norway Grants. Read here the article in detail:

Από την Περιφέρεια στο Προσκήνιο:

Το [e-Aegean ResLab Observatory] και η οπτικοποιημένη πληροφορία στη γεωγραφία της εργασίας


To [e-Aegean] ResLab Observatory παρουσιάστηκε στο 5ο τεύχος του περιοδικού ΥΔΕΑ του Ειδικού Λογαριασμού Κονδυλίων Έρευνας του Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου. Διαβάστε αναλυτικά το άρθρο εδώ: