
The e-Aegean ResLab is the online Observatory of Technologies and Analyses for Employment and Resilience in the Euro-Med area.

Output of Research

e-Aegean ResLab is the result of meticulous basic and applied research in the field of composite indexes. Bringing together state-of-the-art bibliography from urban and regional analytics, the observation of long-term changes in employment and existing geo-spatial analytics, the Observatory develops tailor-made methodology for the Euro-Med area. The meaningful, applicable and impactful composite indexes produced represent and explain the longitudinal transformations of human labour and production in the regional level. Particular areas of interest are the study of resilience, and flexibilization.


The particular objectives of the e-Aegean ResLab are

  • To study of spatial dimension of the employment transformation. The Observatory refocuses the mainstream analysis from the national level to the regional one. Combined with a trans-regional perspective the e-Aegean ResLab touches upon significant issues of contemporary geography in an innovative way: North and South of Europe, metropolises and peripheries, urban and rural space etc.

  • To study combinedly the emerging labour market phenomena with space transformation mapping in order to make sense of the labour impact of gentrification, touristification etc.

  • To highlighting the significance of capital flows and the value chains in the space transformation in a much deeper level, compared to the contemporary accounts.

Expected Impact

The e-Aegean ResLab offers a plethora of data and counceling to stakeholders, decision makers from the public and private sectors, the media and the general public. In that perspective it has an actual and measurable contribution to fine-tuning the Regional Innovation and Smart Specialisation Sectors. The long-term result will be the support of regional growth, innovation ecosystems, entrepreneurship and labour sustainability.


The e-Aegean ResLab is already implementing a medium-term development plan that combines expertise, infrastructure and netwowrking.

The establishment of the Observatory has already attracted young scholars and prospective researchers at the Department of Geography of the University of the Aegean. Combined with the highly specialised permanent research staff, the e-Aegean ResLab becomes a focal point of expertise.

High-end infrastructure in terms of hardware, software and physical space provides the necessary tools and the environment for the delivery of sophisticated research outputs.

Networking is a founding pillar of the e-Aegean ResLab. It allows the collection of up-to-date trans-regional data, their locally meaningful analysis and the effective dissemination of research outputs. Memoranda of Understanding have already been signed with stakeholders. The Observatory welcomes cooperation proposals from every interested party.